Understanding Twitch in the Metal Market in 2019

What is Twitch?

In order to understand the twitch metal market, we first have to define what exactly “twitch” is. When a vehicle is scrapped for metal, the combination of non-ferrous metals that have been separated from the shredded material (known as Zorba) and further processed into something called “light fraction” (achieved by separating the aluminum and magnesium contents from the copper, zinc, brass, bronze, and stainless steel) is called twitch. Twitch is an important part of the scrap metal industry because aluminum, one of the chief metals found in twitch, is such a versatile material with countless usages. It is easy and cost effective to work with, resists corrosion unless under extreme circumstances, conducts electricity, and is lightweight yet durable. Aluminum is so strong and versatile, it is used by the U.S. Army and even NASA.

Twitch is Good For the Environment and the Economy

Recycling aluminum is important because it costs less and is more environmentally friendly than mining for raw metals. Aluminum can actually be recycled an indefinite amount of times, so it’s extremely beneficial to keep it in circulation rather than trashing it. Additionally, aluminum makes cars, planes, and rockets lighter, causing them to require less energy when in use. This is called “lightweighting” and has the potential to significantly lower the carbon footprint of the transportation industry.

Not only is recycling aluminum better for the environment, but it also benefits the economy. The Aluminum Association reports that 3.3 employment opportunities are created in response to each aluminum industry job. The industry itself employs over 160,000 employees. It is also cost-effective to recycle aluminum. A study done by the Center for Resource Recovery and Recycling at the Metal Processing Institute found that the recycling rate of automotive aluminum is 91%, meaning that only a small percentage of aluminum is lost in the recycling process.

Pricing Pressure in the Twitch Metal Market

As reported by the American Metal Market magazine, international demand for twitch is growing, but suppliers are trying to raise prices. Buyers have been tempted by the lower prices of non-twitch shredded metal, putting pressure on the twitch industry to be more competitive. The price difference between twitch and other secondary aluminum alloys is currently 31 cents per pound. Additionally, some auto shredder operators have seen as much as a 20% drop in inbound materials, which could negatively impact the success of the twitch metal market if the pattern continues or becomes more widespread. Consumers are pushing for a price reduction and negotiations are ongoing.

The benefits of recycling aluminum are significant. Bring your scrap metal to Klein’s Recycling to contribute to the health of the planet and the creation of jobs in the recycling industry.